For Anyone Who Doesn't Want to Settle for Losing Just 1-2lbs a Week

For Anyone Who Doesn't Want to Settle for Losing Just 1-2lbs a Week


Using a combination of science and strategy that allows you to safely and swiftly eliminate even the most pesky fat, while firming up, toning, and defining existing muscle at the same time and WITHOUT the rebound weight gain... and in our beta test, participants lost weight 147% faster than anything else they tried in the past, including those stuck in a plateau for years!

Click Here to Join Now!


Using a combination of science and strategy that allows you to safely and swiftly eliminate even the most pesky fat, while firming up, toning, and defining existing muscle at the same time and WITHOUT the rebound weight gain... and in our beta test, participants lost weight 147% faster than anything else they tried in the past, including those stuck in a plateau for years!

What is Velocity Renewal?

I've removed the guesswork. You'll know exactly what to eat, when to eat, and how much to eat based on your goals, while still being able to enjoy your favorite foods. More importantly, you'll learn how to optimize your leptin levels, which is a cheat code to losing more weight than traditional diets in a fraction of the time. Our beta testers lost anywhere between 3 - 4X more weight than traditional diets!

You’ll get easy to follow workouts that can be done from anywhere with or without equipment, and tailored to your fitness level. The way I pair this your nutrition plan, your body will lose FAT and not just weight!

You’ll get full professional accountability and support from me (this is NOT something I outsource). I'll show you your exact action steps to get the BEST results possible, even when "life" gets in the way.

Velocity Renewal is a PROVEN Shortcut

I get it. Sometimes, seeing FAST results is the motivation you need.

These results tell you, "OK, this is working!" and you're instantly motivated to continue your health journey. I've been there.

Before I came up with the simple process I use in my coaching to get those FAST results, my clients had already "been there and done that" so there was a lot of skepticism. After all, they exhausted all other options including hours on a treadmill, giving up bread, and more.

Yet instead of giving up, they decided to find a better way.

In the 17+ years of coaching, I've worked with so many people that experienced years of dieting and constantly starting over. They just didn't know how to send ALL the proper "signals" to optimize and speed up their metabolism by taking advantage of how our leptin works.

Not only that, they learned how to lose fat and not just weight, allowing them to maintain their new achieved weight-loss goals.

This was all done while ditching hours and hours of cardio or giving up their favorite foods and traditions.

This FREED them mentally and physically.

This is how it works...

Here's What This Means for You...

Results are driven by one thing - your metabolism.

And it's your metabolism that sends MULTIPLE signals to your body to burn fat, but these signals are missing for a lot of people because of chronic dieting or eating the wrong combinations of foods at the wrong times.

That's exactly why I created Velocity Renewal. This allows you to stop the chronic dieting and purposely and strategically enjoy calorie-rich foods to HELP your metabolism and leptin levels.

More importantly - "program" your body to burn fat for fuel VS fat and muscle so you change your body and not just lose weight.

This sets the tone and a new foundation that you can build on for life.

How far you take this is up to you. :)

And it's far better than the 95-98% of people that lose weight only to gain it back within 3 years or less.

Velocity Renewal is designed to end your struggle and get you excited because it's results you can actually SEE and FEEL.

You can make incredible progress in just 21 days. Our record so far is 15lbs in the first 5 days alone!

How Can I Make This Claim?

Because Velocity Renewal uses a unique combination of combining the right foods at the right times, along with taking advantage of the hormone leptin.

Leptin is a hormone your adipose tissue (body fat) releases that helps your body maintain your normal weight. It regulates metabolism and your hunger signals. Optimize your leptin, you optimize your metabolism.

Specific combinations of foods, in the right amounts, brings a different, faster response.

Velocity Renewal brings results fast by changing your body and not just helps you "lose weight". It helps you send multiple signals throughout your body to optimize fat-burning even while you sleep.

It's why it pales in comparison to traditional diets (that are just creative ways to cut calories and doesn't even address your leptin levels).

Instead, you'll experience FAST, but sustainable results because you're sending the right signals to your body... all while enjoying the process as you see the scale go down and your clothes feeling looser.

This is done through a simple and easy-to-follow nutrition plan that is based on your needs and goals. Now that we have optimized your leptin and metabolism, your body will be working with you instead of against you.

Plus, you won't feel deprived because you'll still be able to eat the foods you enjoy. It's actually a strategic part of the plan! Yes, your favorite foods is an integral part of you losing fat (I'll show you how).

Then, you'll learn how to make this a foundation with an easy step-by-step action plan that will make the process nearly effortless while you feel and look like the 2.0 version of yourself.

Plan on looking and feeling much different after 21 days with a renewed zest for life and confidence you haven't experienced in a long time.

What I Love About Velocity Renewal...

You won't have to spend hours and hours meal prepping or counting calories, or guessing how much and what to eat.


I've done the research and did the work for you. There won't be any guessing.

It's super simple, yet so effective.

  • You won't have to stress about what to eat and when... it's so easy to follow and includes foods you love. I even give you a meal plan to use as a template and available swaps to suit your taste buds

  • You'll no longer wonder if you're doing enough because I'll show you the biggest "needle movers" to get the best results possible in the most effective way (hint: it's all about tricking your leptin levels).

  • You won't have to be perfect as I'll be there to encourage you and make adjustments based on your life's circumstances

The ONLY thing you’ll need to do is show up and follow a few simple steps that don’t take much time or energy.

This will be different for you because it uses science and strategy, and not fads.

More importantly, it will be the catapult of your 2.0 version of yourself.


  • I want you to avoid the same mistakes I see so many people make over and over again
  • I don't want to see you continue the yo-yo dieting, only to be let down or worse - gain that weight back
  • I no longer want to see you confused and overwhelmed on what to eat
  • I don't want to see you burn yourself out with excessive cardio and HIIT, pounding your joints just to lose 1-2 pounds
  • Lastly, I don't want you to give up on yourself


  • I want you to avoid the same mistakes I see so many people make over and over again
  • I don't want to see you continue the yo-yo dieting, only to be let down or worse - gain that weight back
  • I no longer want to see you confused and overwhelmed on what to eat
  • I don't want to see you burn yourself out with excessive cardio and HIIT, pounding your joints just to lose 1-2 pounds
  • Lastly, I don't want you to give up on yourself

I learned how to get the fastest results possible by combining a few scientific strategies and optimizing leptin without having to track every calorie or suffer through excessive exercise.

What's More...

My clients noticed huge improvements in their energy and confidence. And you know what?

I did, too.

I've lost 115lbs and have kept it off now for nearly 20 years.

Funny how seeing results can motivate you to keep going...

And the Best Part?

The easy process for priming your leptin and metabolism is repeatable throughout the entire 21 days, which means less stress.

It's the most effective method for FAST body composition changes while seeing a difference in the mirror and having others notice a difference, too.

It's designed to give you FAST results, so you're motivated to ultimately achieve your ideal weight. Losing 10 to 20lbs of pure fat is quite motivating.

You'll get everything you need to achieve these results. There are no "upsells" or pitches for supplements.

But I didn't want to risk anything to chance...

So, I added accountability, support, and guidance so you know exactly what to do on a weekly basis without having to spend any mental energy on wondering what will work for you.

Your Success is Now Fail-Proof

Finally, you’ll have the piece of the puzzle you've been searching for and in a way so you won't gain the weight back again.

If you're skeptical about that, I don't blame you.

There are SO many people out there making promises they can't keep.

I like to use the phrase, "Promising a unicorn, but delivering a donkey."

peace of mind that you deserve in knowing that you will never gain the weight back again.

If you’re skeptical about that…


There are a lot of people out there making promises that they can’t keep.

Take a Look at What's Possible...

There's One Thing I Forgot to Mention...

When you follow through with Velocity Renewal...

Your kids, your spouse, and even your friends and coworkers will notice.

They'll see you're prioritizing yourself.

They'll notice the change in your confidence and how you show up as a 2.0 version of yourself to them.

They'll SEE and FEEL your presence because you're no longer stressing about avoiding pictures or wondering how your clothes are fitting.

You'll be the example for your kids and grandkids.

And you'll feel lighter AND younger.

You'll feel yourself recharged and others will notice it, too.

Better yet - Velocity Renewal has a compounding effect on your confidence and motivation.

Now, I Want You To Imagine For a Second What Happens if You Don't Take Advantage of This Opportunity?

  • You'll continue the vicious cycle of trying to be perfect and falling off the wagon
  • You’ll continue to spin your wheels and get frustrated when your body is fighting against you
  • You’ll worry and stress about how your clothes fit or what you look like in pictures
  • You’ll have anxiety during social situations or vacations that are supposed to give you joy but food and your weight consume your thoughts
  • You’ll question your ability to be successful and that insecurity will show up in other areas of your life

But It Doesn't Have to Be That Way

Now, I want you to imagine a different scenario.

Imagine waking up each morning and loving what you see in the mirror.

Imagine knowing exactly what to small action steps you need to take each day that will move you forward.

Imagine seeing yourself in pictures and not having to hide or pick yourself apart.

Imagine getting noticed by your partner or your friends.

Imagine having a foundation of health so that you can be active with your kids.

This Can Be Your Reality

All you have to do is join.

But I want to make this even easier for you.

Because what if I’m completely full of it?

Well, the worst case scenario is that I take your $97 and treat myself to a nice dinner with my wife and you never hear from me again.

In that case, you make the dispute with your credit card company and are made whole in a few days.

But What If I'm Right?

What if this is the exact thing you need to prioritize yourself to take control of your health and fitness?

In that case, you wake up feeling excited because you know you finally made the lifestyle change you’ve wanted for so long.

  • You know how to fuel your body appropriately so that you have energy and confidence, while feeling your clothes get looser
  • You know how to set the best possible example for your family and kids
  • You learn how to optimize your metabolism so your hard work actually pays off
  • So, really, you can’t afford NOT to do this

Here's My Promise to You

I can’t promise that you’ll become an instant success story.

I can’t promise that you’ll win a physique contest or reach single digit body fat.

I can’t promise that you’ll never struggle with your weight again.

Why can’t I promise those things?

Because I don’t know if you’re going to do the work.

You may do absolutely nothing and in that case, obviously you’ll get nothing in return.

I’m going to assume that since you’re here and you’ve made it this far that you are NOT the type of person to sit on an opportunity like this and do nothing with it.

And because you’re going to implement and do the work, then I CAN promise that you’ll see a noticeable difference in a very short period of time.

How Soon?

Well, the sooner you enroll, the sooner you’ll reap the benefits.

So let’s not delay any longer.

Here’s How It Works When You Join Velocity Renewal

1. Join Velocity Renewal for $97 today.

2. You’ll get immediate access to both the nutrition and training guide, along with with an email from me (my personal coaching email address).

3. To ensure your success is fail-proof, I'll be personally following up with you every week to make sure you're dropping pounds and inches.

4. You can also ask me any questions and/or get help with any obstacles you're facing. I'm personally going to support you!

Plus, You'll Get Access to My Sustainable Weight Loss Secrets Coaching Workshops and More...

Avoiding Self-Sabotage Workshop

Overcome Stress & Emotional Eating Workshop

Cravings Cheat Sheet

...which shows you what your body is REALLY telling you when you crave certain foods so you can crush your cravings once and for all

Thrive 12-Week Body Recomposition Training Plan for All Fitness Levels, with or without Equipment


What is Velocity Renewal?

Velocity Renewal is a structured, proven nutrition system designed to help you lose as much FAT (not just weight) as possible in just 21 days with the record being 15lbs in just the first 5 days. The beta testers AVERAGED 147% faster results than anything they tried in the past. You can imagine what you can accomplish in 21 days. This is one of the reasons why it's so different from other programs as the sole focus is losing FAT and changing your body's composition. It uses science and strategy to optimize your leptin, which in turn speeds up your metabolism, no matter your age. It also comes with a strategic exercise plan that PAIRS nicely with the nutrition plan so you experience accelerated results. Based on the beta test, my clients got 90-day results in the span of just 21 days to kick start their fitness journey!

Is it Customizable?

Yes! Someone that needs to lose 20lbs compared to someone that needs to lose 80+lbs is going to have a different success path. Not to mention men and women respond to food differently, too. The exercise plan has joint-friendly, beginner, and no-equipment options, too! Plus, I've added personal support from me so you can ensure you'll have everything you need to succeed.

What are the Workouts Like?

Velocity is designed to protect, maintain, and firm up muscle while your body loses fat simultaneously. Do you HAVE to exercise while in Velocity? No. But you'll be holding yourself back from the best results possible. I had one client struggle for over a year trying to lose the last 15lbs from her frame. She tried everything. When she jumped into Velocity, she lost her first 3lbs of fat in 5 days. For someone that only has 15lbs to lose, I'm sure you'll agree that's impressive. But I won't sugarcoat it - she did the work! The workouts are around 30 minutes, but just like I tell my coaching clients - progress, not perfection. If you can only commit to 15 minutes, 3 days a week, then do what you can. I can even give you further guidance based on your needs.

Will I Have to Track My Calories?

No! This is one of the reasons why my clients LOVE this jumpstart. It's the combinations and timing of foods that will yield the best results, along with "priming" your leptin, and I'll show you how to do it without counting calories at all. You can implement this immediately.

Will the Foods Be Hard to Find?

No! In the 18 years I've been coaching, I've discovered that the more simple a plan is, the easier it is to stick to it. You already have these foods in your pantry and fridge. If not, you can find them at a local grocery store. Leptin doesn't need "organic ginger root" to be optimized. Your leptin doesn't care. :)

One More Thing...

I just recently revised Velocity Renewal at the time of writing this.

And since my clients were getting such great, drastic results already, I was reluctant on changing anything.

But I have the best clients and their feedback has made this even better.

So, I just updated it and this is the feedback I've been getting from these tweaks...

The recommendations in this and any other document are not medical guidelines but are for educational purposes only. You must consult your physician prior to starting this or any other program or if you have any medical condition or injury that can possibly worsen with any diet program. This program is designed for healthy individuals 18 years and older only. The information in this document is meant to supplement, not replace a doctor’s advice. Mike Whitfield or anyone associated with Chamkan, LLC advises readers to take full responsibility for their safety and know their limits.The dietary programs in this book are not intended as a substitute for any treatment or dietary regimen that may have been prescribed by your physician. If you are taking any medications, you must talk to your physician before starting. Please discuss all nutritional changes with your physician or a registered dietician. If your physician recommends that you don’t use this or any other program, please follow your doctor’s orders.